Modern B2B Marketing
Marketing budgets frequently allocate as much as 45% to content production, but 60-70% of the content produced may never be seen or used. In addition, conversion rates are terrible, with more than 97% of website visitors failing to follow CTAs or fill in contact forms. With such poor results, how can B2B Marketers regain confidence in content strategy?
Don’t Be A Drip
If B2B marketers simply provide automated, drip marketing, their sales opportunities will continue to suffer. However, there is a solution — lacklustre sales can be revived by truly giving consumers what they want.
“B2B marketers must move away from a model built on “more” (more content = more engagement = more progress). In a world where customers are struggling with too much information rather than not enough, the most successful marketers are focused on providing less information, specifically designed to make buying easier.”
—Brent Adamson Vice President at Gartner ( Oct 10, 2018)
Personalized Content Experiences
Effective B2B marketing starts with personalized content experiences that encourage the most information-hungry prospects to binge while still providing the best follow-ups for those on a slower track.
Instead of creating layers and layers of content that no one can find, start with how buyers actually purchase today.
Key factors for rethinking a B2B Content Marketing Strategy include:
- Customers want to self-educate, they want smarter relevant experiences which make their lives easier.
- Customers are on a mission, they don’t want to be drip-fed over weeks or even months.
- Customers want to easily find what they’re looking to reach the purchase decision, and not have to make sense of layers and layers of content.
According to Gartner, “In order to engage B2B buyers in a way that overcomes information overload and drives progress to a successful purchase, marketing leaders need to shift their content marketing strategy to:
Enable Self-Service: Repurpose successful content by identifying pre-existing sources of buyer enablement from functions such as sales or customer service and modify them for customer self-service.
Constantly Update: Build and deepen an ongoing understanding of buying needs as they arise by implementing a buyer enablement system and strategy.
Ensure Cross-Channel Consistency: Allow customers to self-serve by providing a consistent set of enablement resources across in-person and digital information channels.”
— Gartner Says B2B Brands Need to Rethink Their Content Marketing Strategy